- World
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Angola
- Antigua/Bar.
- Arab Emirates
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia/Herzeg.
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Central Africa
- Chad
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Congo
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Cote d Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Rep.
- DR Congo
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Equ. Guinea
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Fiji
- Finland
- France
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Greece
- Grenada
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kiribati
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Marshall Isl.
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Micronesia
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- New Guinea
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Niue
- North Korea
- Norway
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Saint Kitts
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent
- Samoa
- Sao Tome
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Isl.
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Suriname
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Timor-Leste
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad/Tob.
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Viet Nam
- Yemen
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Wash DC
- Florida
- Georgia
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York

- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Angola
- Antigua/Bar.
- Arab Emirates
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia/Herzeg.
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Central Africa
- Chad
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Congo
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Cote d Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Rep.
- DR Congo
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Equ. Guinea
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Fiji
- Finland
- France
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Greece
- Grenada
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kiribati
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Marshall Isl.
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Micronesia
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- New Guinea
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Niue
- North Korea
- Norway
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Saint Kitts
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent
- Samoa
- Sao Tome
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Isl.
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Suriname
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Timor-Leste
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad/Tob.
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Viet Nam
- Yemen
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence
- Africa
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence

- Asia
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence

- Europe
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence

- Middle East
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence

- North America
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence

- Oceania
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence

- South America
- Life Expectancy
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers & Dementia
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Birth Trauma
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain/CNS cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Fires
- Hepatitis C
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza and Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Malaria
- Malnutrition
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Other Injuries
- Other Neoplasms
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Disease
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Tuberculosis
- Uterin Cancer
- Violence


- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- USA Health Maps
- Life Expectancy County Map
- Life Expectancy Total
- Male Life Expectancy
- Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Alabama
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Alaska
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Arizona
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Arkansas
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- California
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Colorado
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Connecticut
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Delaware
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Wash DC
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Florida
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Georgia
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Hawaii
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Idaho
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Illinois
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Indiana
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Iowa
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Kansas
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Kentucky
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Louisiana
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Maine
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Maryland
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Massachusetts
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Michigan
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Minnesota
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Mississippi
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Missouri
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Montana
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Nebraska
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Nevada
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- New Hampshire
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- New Jersey
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- New Mexico
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- New York
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- North Carolina
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- North Dakota
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Ohio
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Oklahoma
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Oregon
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Pennsylvania
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Rhode Island
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- South Carolina
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- South Dakota
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Tennessee
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Texas
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Utah
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Vermont
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Virginia
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Washington
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- West Virginia
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Wisconsin
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Wyoming
- Health Rankings
- Total Deaths Age & Gender
- Top 15 Causes Maps
- Life Expectancy Total
- Life Expectancy Male
- Life Expectancy Female
- County Male Life Expectancy
- County Female Life Expectancy
- Top 15 Charts By County
- 1. Heart Disease
- 2. Cancer
- 3. Stroke
- 4. Chronic Lung Disease
- 5. Accidents
- 6. Alzheimer's
- 7. Diabetes
- 8. Influenza and Pneumonia
- 9. Nephritis/Kidney Disease
- 10. Blood Poisoning
- 11. Suicide
- 12. Liver Disease
- 13. Hypertension/Renal
- 14. Parkinson's Disease
- 15. Homicide
- 16. Covid-19
- Death Rate
- All Races
- White
- African American
- Asian-Pacific
- Hispanic-Latino
- White, Not Hispanic or Latino
- Miscellaneous
- Median Annual Income
- Total Population
- Adult Overweight/Obesity
- Adult Smoking Rate
- Physical Activity Rate
- Motor Vehicle Death Rate
- Firearms Death Rate
- Violent Crime Offenses
- Child Death Rate
- Teen Death Rate
- Alcohol
- All Cancers
- Alzheimers
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Colon-Rectum Cancers
- Congenital Anomalies
- Coronary Heart Disease
- COVID-19
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Drownings
- Drug Use
- Endocrine Disorders
- Falls
- Hepatitis C
- Homicide
- Hypertension
- Inflammatory/Heart
- Influenza & Pneumonia
- Kidney Disease
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Liver Disease
- Low Birth Weight
- Lung Cancers
- Lung Disease
- Lymphomas
- Oesophagus Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Ovary Cancer
- Pancreas Cancer
- Parkinson's Disease
- Poisonings
- Prostate Cancer
- Stomach Cancer
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Uterin Cancer

- Affenpinscher
- Afghan Hound
- Aidi
- Airedale Terrier
- Akbash Dog
- Akita
- Alaskan Klee Kai
- Alaskan Malamute
- Alpine Drachsbracke
- American Bulldog
- American Bully
- American English Coonhound
- American Eskimo Dog
- American Foxhound
- American Hairless Terrier
- American Leopard Hound
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- American Water Spaniel
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog
- Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie
- Appenzeller Sennenhunde
- Ariegeois
- Australian Cattle Dog
- Australian Shepherd
- Australian Terrier
- Austrian Black and Tan Hound
- Austrian Pinscher
- Azawakh
- Barak
- Barbet
- Basenji
- Basset Artesien Normand
- Basset Bleu De Gascogne
- Basset Fauve De Bretagne
- Basset Hound
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Beagle
- Beagle Harrier
- Bearded Collie
- Beauceron
- Bedlington Terrier
- Belgian Laekenois
- Belgian Malinois
- Belgian Sheepdog
- Belgian Shepherd Dog
- Belgian Tervuren
- Bergamasco
- Berger Picard
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bichon Frise
- Biewer Terrier
- Billy
- Black and Tan Coonhound
- Black Forest Hound (Slovakian Hound)
- Black Mouth Cur
- Black Russian Terrier
- Bloodhound
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Boerboel
- Bolognese
- Border Collie
- Border Terrier
- Borzoi
- Boston Terrier
- Bouvier Des Ardennes
- Bouvier des Flandres
- Boxer
- Boykin Spaniel
- Bracco Italiano
- Braque D'Auvergne
- Braque de l'Ariege
- Braque du Bourbonnais
- Braque Francais, de Grande Taille
- Braque Francais, de Petite Taille
- Braque Saint Germain
- Briard
- Briquet Griffon Vendeen
- Brittany
- Broholmer
- Brussels Griffon
- Bull Terrier
- Bulldog
- Bullmastiff
- Ca de Bestiar (Majorca Shepherd Dog)
- Cairn Terrier
- Canaan Dog
- Canadian Eskimo Dog
- Cane Corso
- Cao de Castro Laboreiro
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi
- Carolina Dog
- Catahoula Leopard Dog
- Catalonian Sheepdog
- Caucasian Ovcharka
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Central Asian Shepherd Dog
- Cesky Fousek
- Cesky Terrier
- Chart Polski (Polish Greyhound)
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Chien d'Artois
- Chien Francais Blanc et Noir
- Chien Francais Tricolore
- Chihuahua
- Chinese Crested
- Chinese Shar-Pei
- Chinook
- Chow Chow
- Cimarron Uruguayo
- Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin
- Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic
- Cirneco dellEtna
- Clumber Spaniel
- Cocker Spaniel
- Collie
- Collie (Rough)
- Collie (Smooth)
- Coton de Tulear
- Croatian Sheepdog
- Curly-Coated Retriever
- Czechoslovakian Vlcak
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- Danish-Swedish Farmdog
- Deutsche Bracke
- Deutscher Wachtelhund
- Doberman Pinscher
- Dogo Argentino
- Dogue de Bordeaux
- Drentsche Patrijshond
- Drever
- Dunker
- Dutch Shepherd
- Dutch Smoushond
- East Siberian Laika
- English Cocker Spaniel
- English Foxhound
- English Setter
- English Shepherd
- English Springer Spaniel
- English Toy Spaniel
- English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan)
- Entlebucher Mountain Dog
- Epagneul Bleu de Picardie
- Epagneul Breton
- Epagneul de Pont-Audemer
- Epagneul Picard
- Estrela Mountain Dog
- Eurasier
- Field Spaniel
- Fila Brasileiro
- Finnish Hound
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish Spitz
- Flat-Coated Retriever
- Francais Blanc et Orange
- French Bulldog
- French Spaniel
- Fresian Water Dog
- German Longhaired Pointer
- German Pinscher
- German Rough Haired Pointer
- German Shepherd Dog
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- German Spitz
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- Giant Schnauzer
- Glen of Imaal Terrier
- Golden Retriever
- Gordon Setter
- Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
- Grand Bleu De Gascogne
- Grand Gascon-Saintongeois
- Grand Griffon Vendeen
- Great Anglo-Francais Tricolor Hound
- Great Anglo-Francais White and Black Hound
- Great Anglo-Francais White and Orange Hound
- Great Dane
- Great Pyrenees
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Greenland Dog
- Greyhound
- Griffon Bleu de Gascogne
- Griffon Fauve de Bretagne
- Griffon Nivernais
- Haldenstover (Halden Hound)
- Hamiltonstovare
- Hanoverian Hound
- Harrier
- Havanese
- Hellenic Hound
- Hokkaido
- Hovawart
- Hungarian Greyhound (Magyar Agar)
- Hygen Hound
- Ibizan Hound
- Icelandic Sheepdog
- Irish Red and White Setter
- Irish Setter
- Irish Terrier
- Irish Water Spaniel
- Irish Wolfhound
- Istrian Coarse-Haired Hound
- Istrian Short-Haired Hound
- Italian Greyhound
- Italian Hound
- Jagdterrier
- Japanese Akita
- Japanese Chin
- Japanese Spitz
- Japanese Terrier
- Jindo
- Kai Ken
- Kangal Dog
- Karelian Bear Dog
- Karst Shepherd Dog
- Keeshond
- Kerry Blue Terrier
- Kishu Ken
- Komondor
- Kooikerhondje
- Kromfohrlander
- Kuvasz
- Labrador Retriever
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Lakeland Terrier
- Lancashire Heeler
- Lapinporokoira (Lapponian Herder)
- Large Munsterlander
- Leonberger
- Lhasa Apso
- Lowchen
- Majorca Mastiff
- Maltese
- Manchester Terrier
- Maremma Sheepdog
- Mastiff
- Miniature American Shepherd
- Miniature Bull Terrier
- Miniature Pinscher
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Montenegrin Mountain Hound
- Mountain Cur
- Mountain Feist
- Mudi
- Multi-Colored Poodle
- Multi-Colored Standard Poodle
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Newfoundland
- Norfolk Terrier
- Norrbottenspets
- Norwegian Buhund
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Norwegian Lundehund
- Norwich Terrier
- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
- Old Danish Pointing Dog
- Old English Sheepdog
- Olde English Bulldogge
- Otterhound
- Owczarek Podhalanski
- Papillon
- Parson Russell Terrier
- Patterdale Terrier
- Pekingese
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Perdiguero de Burgos
- Perro de Presa Canario
- Peruvian Inca Orchid
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
- Petit Bleu De Gascogne
- Petit Gascon-Saintongeois
- Pharaoh Hound
- Plott
- Podenco Canario
- Pointer
- Poitevin
- Polish Hound
- Polish Lowland Sheepdog
- Pomeranian
- Poodle
- Porcelaine
- Portuguese Podengo
- Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
- Portuguese Pointer
- Portuguese Sheepdog
- Portuguese Water Dog
- Posavaz Hound
- Pudelpointer
- Pug
- Puli
- Pumi
- Pyrenean Mastiff
- Pyrenean Shepherd
- Rafeiro do Alentejo
- Rat Terrier
- Redbone Coonhound
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Rottweiler
- Russell Terrier
- Russian Toy
- Russian-European Laika
- Saarloosewolfdog
- Saluki
- Samoyed
- Sarplaninac
- Schapendoes
- Schiller Hound
- Schipperke
- Scottish Deerhound
- Scottish Terrier
- Sealyham Terrier
- Serbian Hound
- Serbian Tricolor Hound
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Shiba Inu
- Shih Tzu
- Shikoku
- Siberian Husky
- Silken Windhound
- Silky Terrier
- Skye Terrier
- Sloughi
- Slovakian Wire-Haired Pointing Dog
- Slovensky Cuvac
- Smaland Hound
- Small Munsterlander Pointer
- Small Swiss Hound
- Smooth Fox Terrier
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
- South Russian Shepherd Dog
- Spanish Greyhound
- Spanish Hound
- Spanish Mastiff
- Spanish Water Dog
- Spinone Italiano
- Sporting Lucas Terrier
- St. Bernard
- Stabyhoun
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Standard Poodle
- Standard Schnauzer
- Stephens' Cur
- Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
- Styrian Coarse Haired Hound
- Sussex Spaniel
- Swedish Elkhound
- Swedish Lapphund
- Swedish Vallhund
- Swiss Hound
- Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
- Tenterfield Terrier
- Thai Ridgeback
- Tibetan Mastiff
- Tibetan Spaniel
- Tibetan Terrier
- Tornjak
- Tosa
- Toy Fox Terrier
- Toy Manchester Terrier
- Transylvanian Hound
- Treeing Cur
- Treeing Feist
- Treeing Tennessee Brindle
- Treeing Walker Coonhound
- Tyrolean Hound
- Vizsla
- Volpino Italiano
- Weimaraner
- Welsh Hound
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
- Welsh Terrier
- West Highland White Terrier
- West Siberian Laika
- Westphalian Dachsbracke
- Whippet
- White Shepherd
- Wire Fox Terrier
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
- Wirehaired Vizsla
- Working Kelpie
- Xoloitzcuintli
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Abyssinian
- Aegean
- American Bobtail
- American Curl
- American Polydactyl
- American Ringtail
- American Shorthair
- American Wirehair
- Arabian Mau
- Asian
- Asian Semi-Longhair
- Australian Mist
- Balinese
- Bambino
- Bengal
- Birman
- Bombay
- Brazilian Shorthair
- British Longhair
- British Semi-longhair
- British Shorthair
- Burmese
- Burmilla
- California Spangled
- Ceylon
- Chartreux
- Chausie
- Cheetoh
- Colorpoint Shorthair
- Cornish Rex
- Cymric
- Cyprus
- Cyprus Aphrodite
- Devon Rex
- Donskoy
- Dragon Li
- Dwelf
- Egyptian Mau
- Elf
- European Burmese
- European Shorthair
- Exotic Shorthair
- Foldex
- German Rex
- Havana Brown
- Highlander
- Himalayan
- Japanese Bobtail
- Javanese
- Khao Manee
- Kinkalow
- Korat
- Korn Ja
- Kurilian Bobtail
- Lambkin Dwarf
- LaPerm
- Maine Coon
- Manx
- Mekong Bobtail
- Minskin
- Munchkin
- Napoleon
- Nebelung
- Neva Masquerade
- Norwegian Forest
- Ocicat
- Ojos Azules
- Oregon Rex
- Oriental Bicolor
- Oriental Longhair
- Oriental Shorthair
- Persian (Doll Face)
- Persian (Modern)
- Peterbald
- Pixie-Bob
- Ragamuffin
- Ragdoll
- Russian Black
- Russian Blue
- Russian tabby
- Russian white
- Aardvark
- Aardwolf
- Abaco Island boa
- Abbott's duiker
- Abdim's stork
- Abert's towhee
- Acacia Rat
- Acadian flycatcher
- Acklins Rock Iguana
- Acorn woodpecker
- Addax
- Adelaide's warbler
- Adelie Penguin
- Aders's duiker
- Adorned dwarfgoby
- Aesculapian rat snake
- Afghanistan salamander
- African brush-tailed porcupine
- African buffalo
- African bullfrog
- African Butter Catfish
- African Catfish
- African civet
- African clawless otter
- African Collared-dove
- African dwarf crocodile
- African egg-eating snake
- African Electric Catfish
- African elephant
- African Fish-eagle
- African Flap-necked Chameleon
- African Giant Squirrel
- African golden cat
- African grass rat
- African Groove-crowned Frog
- African hissing snake
- African house snake
- African knifefish
- African longfin eel
- African lungfish
- African Mole Rat
- African palm civet
- African Penguin
- African pike
- African porcupine
- African rainbow wrasse
- African Rock Python
- African slender-snouted crocodile
- African softshell turtle
- African spinytail lizard
- African spoonbill
- African spurred tortoise
- African Straw-coloured Fruit-bat
- African Striped Weasel
- African wild dog
- Afro-Australian Fur Seal
- Agile antechinus
- Agile gibbon
- Agile gracile opossum
- Agile mangabey
- Agile wallaby
- Airbreathing shellear
- Akepa
- Akiapolaau
- Akohekohe
- Alabama map turtle
- Alabama shad
- Alaska blackfish
- Alaska Marmot
- Alaska pollock
- Alaska skate
- Albacore Tuna
- Albino boa constrictor
- Albino or heterozygous Burmese python
- Aldabra tortoise
- Alder flycatcher
- Alewife
- Alexandrine parakeet
- Alfonsino
- Algerian Hedgehog
- Algerian Orange-tailed Skink
- Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander
- Allegheny Woodrat
- Allen's Big-eared Bat
- Allen's Galago
- Allen's Hummingbird
- Allen's Olingo
- Allen's swamp monkey
- Allied Rock Wallaby
- Alligator gar
- Alligator snapping turtle
- Alpaca
- Alpine Chipmunk
- Alpine ibex
- Alpine marmot
- Alpine Musk Deer
- Alpine Newt
- Alpine Pika
- Alpine Shrew
- Alpine swift
- Alta Verapaz Salamander
- Altai osman
- Amargosa Vole
- Amazonian horned frog
- Amazonian Motmot
- American alligator
- American angler
- American annulated snake
- American Avocet
- American badger
- American beaver
- American bison
- American bittern
- American black bear
- American black duck
- American Black Vulture
- American bullfrog
- American carinated snake
- American coot
- American corais snake
- American crocodile
- American crow
- American dipper
- American eel
- American Flamingo
- American gecko
- American golden plover
- American goldfinch
- American Green Treefrog
- American Hog-nosed skunk
- American kestrel
- American marten
- American mink
- American oystercatcher
- American pika
- American pipit
- American plaice
- American redstart
- American robin
- American shad
- American toad
- American tree sparrow
- American Treecreeper
- American Water Shrew
- American white pelican
- American wigeon
- American woodcock
- Amethyst Python
- Amsterdam albatross
- Amur Ratsnakes
- Amur sturgeon
- Ancient murrelet
- Andean condor
- Andean Hairy Armadillo
- Andean parakeet
- Anderson's Four-eyed Opossum
- Anegada ground iguana
- Anglerfish
- Angola colobus
- Angular Angelshark
- Anhinga
- Anianiau
- Anna's hummingbird
- Annam leaf turtle
- Annual fish
- Annular seabream
- Ant Frog
- Antarctic butterfish
- Antarctic Fur Seal
- Antarctic Minke Whale
- Antarctic silverfish
- Antarctic spiny plunderfish
- Antarctic toothfish
- Antilopine wallaroo
- Aoudad
- Apapane
- Aplomado falcon
- Apostlebird
- Appalachian Cottontail
- Arabian Babbler
- Arabian Gazelle
- Arabian oryx
- Arabian Tahr
- Arafuran file snake
- Arctic char
- Arctic fox
- Arctic grayling
- Arctic Ground Squirrel
- Arctic Hare
- Arctic Jaeger
- Arctic Lemming
- Arctic Loon
- Arctic Shrew
- Arctic tern
- Arctic warbler
- Areolate grouper
- Arfak astrapia
- Argali
- Argentina Horned Frog
- Argentine Angel Shark
- Argentine pearlfish
- Arid monitor
- Arizona black rattlesnake
- Arizona Black-tailed Prairie Dog
- Arizona glossy snake
- Arizona mountain kingsnake
- Arizona pocket mouse
- Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake
- Arkansas darter
- Armadillo girdled lizard
- Armenian viper
- Armored catfish
- Armored rat
- Arowana
- Arrow goby
- Arrowtooth flounder
- Arroyo chub
- Ash-throated flycatcher
- Ashy storm-petrel
- Asia minor spiny mouse
- Asian Common Toad
- Asian Crested Ibis
- Asian elephant
- Asian garden dormouse
- Asian giant softshell
- Asian Giant Tortoise
- Asian Leaf Turtle
- Asian open-billed stork
- Asian Rosy-finch
- Asian Small-clawed Otter
- Asian Woollyneck
- Asiatic black bear
- Asiatic Brush-tailed Porcupine
- Asiatic golden cat
- Asiatic ibex
- Asiatic Wild Ass
- Asinus
- Asp
- Asp viper
- Assam macaque
- Atlantic Bamboo Rat
- Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
- Atlantic bonito
- Atlantic cod
- Atlantic croaker
- Atlantic halibut
- Atlantic herring
- Atlantic mackerel
- Atlantic Mudskipper
- Atlantic pomfret
- Atlantic puffin
- Atlantic sailfish
- Atlantic salmon
- Atlantic sharpnose shark
- Atlantic silverside
- Atlantic sole
- Atlantic Spanish Mackerel
- Atlantic Sturgeon
- Atlantic white-sided dolphin
- Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
- Atun
- Audouin's gull
- Audubon's Shearwater
- Australian anchovy
- Australian bass
- Australian blacktip shark
- Australian Brush turkey
- Australian freshwater herring
- Australian gannet
- Australian grayling
- Australian herring
- Australian Hobby
- Australian ibis
- Australian king parrot
- Australian Pelican
- Australian punctulated treesnake
- Australian raven
- Australian Ringneck
- Australian sea lion
- Australian smelt
- Australian striolated skink
- Australian swamp rat
- Axolotl
- Aye-aye
- Ayu
- Azara's agouti
- Azara's Grass Mouse
- Azara's night monkey
- Azure jay
- Bachman's sparrow
- Bactrian camel
- Bahama-Wood Snakes
- Bahaman Hutia
- baiji
- Baikal seal
- Baird's beaked whale
- Baird's rat snake
- Baird's tapir
- Bald eagle
- Bali Starling
- Ball python
- Ballan wrasse
- Baltic sprat
- Baltimore Oriole
- Bamboo Viper
- Bananaquit
- Banded civet
- Banded darter
- Banded Hare Wallaby
- Banded humbug
- Banded Krait
- Banded Linsang
- Banded mongoose
- Banded pygmy sunfish
- Banded Rubber Frog
- Banded sculpin
- Bank rockfish
- Bank swallow
- Bank vole
- Banner-tailed kangaroo rat
- Bantam sunfish
- Banteng
- Bar-headed Goose
- Bar-tailed godwit
- Barasingha
- Barba Amarilla
- Barbary Ground Squirrel
- Barbary macaque
- Barbary striped grass mouse
- Barbour's map turtle
- Bare-faced Ibis
- Bare-tailed Woolly Opossum
- Barking treefrog
- Barn swallow
- barn-owl
- Barnacle goose
- Barred owl
- Barred sand bass
- Barred surfperch
- Barred warbler
- Barrier reef anemonefish
- Barrow's goldeneye
- Basilisk
- Basking shark
- Bat ray
- Bat-eared fox
- Batagur
- Bateleur
- Bates' Pygmy Antelope
- Bawean deer
- Bay duiker
- Bay goby
- Bay-breasted warbler
- Bay-winged Cowbird
- Bayad
- Bayou darter
- Beaded lizard
- Beal's eyed turtle
- Bean goose
- Bearded parrotbill
- Bearded pig
- Bearded Seal
- Bearded Wood-partridge
- Bechstein's Myotis
- Bee Hummingbird
- Beira
- Beira killifish
- Bell's Hingeback Tortoise
- Bell's vireo
- Beluga
- Bendire's thrasher
- Bengal finch
- Bengal Fox
- Bengal monitor
- Bennett's Chinchilla Rat
- Bennett's Tree Kangaroo
- Berlandier's tortoise
- Bewick's wren
- Bib
- Bibron's agama
- Bibron's mole viper
- Bibron's Thick-toed Gecko
- Bicknell's thrush
- Bicolor Angelfish
- Bicolored shrew
- Big brown bat
- Big long-nosed Butterflyfish
- Big skate
- Big-headed turtle
- Bigeye snapper
- Bigeye Thresher Shark
- Bigeye tuna
- Bighorn sheep
- Bigmouth buffalo
- Bilby
- Binturong
- Bird-voiced treefrog
- Birdbeak dogfish
- Bismarck ringed python
- Bitterling
- Black acara
- Black Agouti
- Black and White Cobra
- Black and white warbler
- Black anemonefish
- Black Angelfish
- Black Bearded Saki
- Black Bream
- Black buffalo
- Black bullhead
- Black caiman
- Black chuckwalla
- Black crappie
- Black crested gibbon
- Black croaker
- Black desert cobra
- Black drum
- Black duiker
- Black flying fox
- Black francolin
- Black giant squirrel
- Black goby
- Black grouse
- Black guillemot
- black hawk
- Black ibis
- Black kingsnake
- Black kite
- Black lemur
- Black lory
- Black mamba
- Black mangabey
- Black marlin
- Black mountain salamander
- Black Muntjac
- Black myotis
- Black noddy
- Black oreo
- Black parrot
- Black perch
- Black petrel
- Black phoebe
- Black Pond Turtle
- Black rail
- Black redhorse
- Black redstart
- Black rhinoceros
- Black rockfish
- Black rosy-finch
- Black scoter
- Black sea bass
- Black sea bream
- Black Sea Roach
- Black sea shad
- Black sicklebill
- Black skimmer
- Black Snub-nosed Monkey
- Black sole
- Black spot snapper
- Black stork
- Black Swan
- Black swift
- Black Tegu
- Black tern
- Black tree kangaroo
- Black wallaroo
- Black wildebeest
- Black woodpecker
- Black-and-gold Howler Monkey
- Black-and-white Owl
- Black-and-white ruffed lemur
- Black-and-yellow rockfish
- Black-backed jackal
- Black-bearded Tomb Bat
- Black-bellied angler
- Black-bellied hamster
- Black-bellied whistling duck
- Black-billed cuckoo
- Black-billed sicklebill
- Black-browed albatross
- Black-capped chickadee
- Black-capped lory
- Black-capped parrot
- Black-capped vireo
- Black-casqued Hornbill
- Black-chinned hummingbird
- Black-crowned night heron
- Black-eared Opossum
- Black-eared wheatear
- Black-faced Black Spider Monkey
- Black-faced ibis
- Black-faced spoonbill
- Black-fish
- Black-footed albatross
- Black-footed cat
- Black-footed ferret
- Black-footed mongoose
- Black-footed Rock Wallaby
- Black-footed tree rat
- Black-fronted duiker
- Black-headed bunting
- Black-headed grosbeak
- Black-headed gull
- Black-headed ibis
- Black-headed Night Monkey
- Black-headed python
- Black-headed Squirrel Monkey
- Black-hooded conure
- Black-hooded oriole (hang-nest)
- Black-knobbed map turtle
- Black-legged kittiwake
- Black-mantled tamarin
- Black-necked (Hawaiian) stilt
- Black-necked Agama
- Black-necked Gartersnake
- Black-necked stork
- Black-necked Swan
- Black-rumped Agouti
- Black-shouldered Kite
- Black-spotted Pond Frog
- Black-spotted Stout Newt
- Black-stripe minnow
- Black-striped Wallaby
- Black-tailed godwit
- Black-tailed jack rabbit
- Black-tailed montane pit viper
- Black-tailed Rattlesnake
- Black-throated blue warbler
- Black-throated green warbler
- Black-throated sparrow
- Black-tufted ear marmoset
- Black-winged Kite
- Black-winged lory
- Black-winged loverbird
- Black-winged stilt
- Blackbelly eelpout
- Blackbelly salamander
- Blackbuck
- Blackburnian warbler
- Blackcap
- Blackchin mouthbrooder
- Blackchin red salamander
- Blackchin shiner
- Blackfin pearlfish
- Blackish Oystercatcher
- Blackneck spitting cobra
- Blacknose shark
- Blackpoll warbler
- Blackside dace
- Blackside darter
- Blacksmith lapwing
- Blackspot seabream
- Blacktip shark
- Blainville's Beaked Whale
- Blanding's cat snake
- Blanding's turtle
- Blanford's Fox
- Bleeding Heart Dove
- Bleeding shiner
- Blenny darter
- Blesbok
- Bloater
- Blonde ray
- Blotched Blue-Tongued Lizard
- Blotchside logperch
- Blue and yellow macaw
- Blue bird of paradise
- Blue bunting
- Blue catfish
- Blue diesel wrasse
- Blue Duck
- Blue duiker
- Blue grenadier
- Blue grosbeak
- Blue grouse
- Blue herring
- Blue jay
- Blue ling
- Blue lorikeet
- Blue Marlin
- Blue moki
- Blue monkey
- Blue noddy
- Blue perch
- Blue pike
- Blue Ridge spring salamander
- Blue ridge two-lined salamander
- Blue rockfish
- Blue runner
- Blue shark
- Blue Sheep
- Blue spiny lizard
- Blue stingray
- Blue sucker
- Blue tang surgeonfish
- Blue Tilapia
- Blue tit
- Blue whale
- Blue whiting
- Blue-backed parrot
- Blue-barred Parrotfish
- Blue-billed duck
- Blue-breasted Quail
- Blue-crowned conure
- Blue-crowned hanging parrot
- Blue-crowned lorikeet
- Blue-eyed cockatoo
- Blue-footed booby
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- Blue-grey tanager
- Blue-headed parrot
- Blue-legged mantella
- Blue-rumped parrot
- Blue-streaked lory
- Blue-striped grunt
- Blue-tailed day gecko
- Blue-throated hummingbird
- Blue-throated macaw
- Blue-winged macaw
- Blue-winged parrot
- Blue-winged teal
- Blue-winged warbler
- Blueback Herring
- Bluebonnet
- Bluefin gurnard
- Bluefin Killifish
- Bluefin notho
- Bluefish
- Bluegill
- Bluegirdled angelfish
- Bluehead
- Bluehead chub
- Bluehead shiner
- Blueline tilefish
- Bluethroat
- Bluetongue
- Bluntnose minnow
- Bluntnose viper
- Blyth's reed-warbler
- Boa Constrictor
- Boat-tailed grackle
- Bobak Marmot
- Bobcat
- Bobolink
- Bobrinski's Jerboa
- Bocaccio rockfish
- Boelen's python
- Bog Turtle
- Bohemian waxwing
- Bohor Reedbuck
- Bolivian Gray titi
- Bolivian/peruvian Squirrel Monkey
- Bonefish
- Bonelli's eagle
- Bongo
- Bonin flying fox
- Bonin Petrel
- Bonnet macaque
- Bonnethead shark
- Bonneville cisco
- Bonobo
- Bontebok
- Boomslang
- Booted macaque
- Boreal chickadee
- Boreal owl
- Bornean orangutan
- Borneo earless monitor
- Bosca's newt
- Bosk's Fringe-fingered Lizard
- Boto
- Botta's pocket gopher
- Bottlenose
- Bottlenosed dolphin
- Bourke's parrot
- Bower's White-toothed Rat
- Bowfin
- Bowhead whale
- Brambling
- Brandt's cormorant
- Brandt's Hamster
- Brandt's hedgehog
- Brandt's Myotis
- Brandt's vole
- Brant's climbing mouse
- Brauer's bristlemouth
- Brazilian Bare-faced Tamarin
- Brazilian Common Opossum
- Brazilian free-tailed bat
- Brazilian guinea pig
- Brazilian guitarfish
- Brazilian Horned Frog
- Brazilian Lesser Long-nosed Armadillo
- Brazilian porcupine
- Brazilian Rainbow Boa
- Brazilian taraguira lizard
- Bream
- Brent goose
- Brewer's blackbird
- Brewer's sparrow
- Bridled nail-tail wallaby
- Bridled parrotfish
- Bridled tern
- Bridled titmouse
- Brill
- Brindled madtom
- Bristle-thighed curlew
- Broad whitefish
- Broad-banded copperhead
- Broad-billed hummingbird
- Broad-billed sandpiper
- Broad-footed Mole
- Broad-snouted caiman
- Broad-tailed Day Gecko
- Broad-tailed hummingbird
- Broad-winged hawk
- Broadbill Swordfish
- Broadhead skink
- Broadnose sevengill shark
- Brolga
- Bronze parotia
- Bronze Whaler
- Bronzed cowbird
- Brook silverside
- Brook stickleback
- Brook trout
- Brooks gecko
- Brothers Island Tuatara
- Brown antechinus
- Brown basilisk
- Brown bear and grizzly bear
- Brown Big-eared Bat
- Brown booby
- Brown Bullhead
- Brown catsnake
- Brown dorcopsis
- Brown falcon
- Brown four-eyed opossum
- Brown Howler Monkey
- Brown hyena
- Brown lemur
- Brown Noddy
- Brown Palm Civet
- Brown parrot
- Brown pelican
- Brown Rat
- Brown ray
- Brown rockfish
- Brown roofed turtle
- Brown Sand Boa
- Brown sicklebill
- Brown skua
- Brown smooth-hound
- Brown snake eagle
- Brown stripe red snapper
- Brown thrasher
- Brown tree-pipit and tree pipit
- Brown trout
- Brown vine snake
- Brown water python
- Brown water snake
- Brown wrasse
- Brown-capped rosy finch
- Brown-crested flycatcher
- Brown-eared Wooly Opossum
- Brown-headed cowbird
- Brown-headed nuthatch
- Brown-headed parrot
- Brown-headed spider monkey
- Brown-necked parrot
- Brown-throated Parakeet
- Brown-throated Sloth
- Brownspotted grouper
- Brusa Frog
- Brush Mouse
- Brush-tailed Phascogale
- Brush-tailed rabbit rat
- Brush-tailed rock wallaby
- brushtail possum
- Bryde's whale
- Budgerigar
- Buff-bellied hummingbird
- Buff-breasted Flycatcher
- Buff-necked ibis
- Bufflehead
- Buffy-headed Marmoset
- Bull chub
- Bull pipefish
- Bull shark
- Bull Trout
- Buller's Albatross
- Bullhead
- Bullock's oriole
- Bullray
- Bullsnake and gopher snake
- Bulwer's petrel
- Burbot
- Burmese Python
- Burrowing Bettong
- Burrowing owl
- Burrowing Parrot
- Bush dog
- Bush rat
- Bushbuck
- Bushpig
- Bushtit
- Bushveld papermouth
- Bushveld Sengi
- Bushy-tailed jird
- Butler's garter snake
- Butter sole
- Butterfly lizard
- Cackling goose
- Cacomistle
- Cactus mouse
- Cactus wren
- Cagle's map turtle
- Caiman
- Calabar angwantibo
- Calamian deer
- Calico Grouper
- Calico rockfish
- California condor
- California corbina
- California giant salamander and Pacific giant salamander
- California glossy snake
- California gnatcatcher
- California Ground Squirrel
- California grunion
- California gull
- California halibut
- California Horn shark
- California killifish
- California kingsnake
- California leaf-nosed bat
- California Mountain Kingsnake
- California mouse
- California Myotis
- California quail
- California roach
- California sea lion
- California sheephead
- California thrasher
- California towhee
- Californian anchovy
- Calliope hummingbird
- Campbell's Hamster
- Campbell's monkey
- Canada goose
- Canada lynx
- Canada warbler
- Canadian toad
- Canary rockfish
- Cane toad
- Cantil
- Canvasback
- Canyon towhee
- Cape barren goose
- Cape cobra
- Cape elephantfish
- Cape File Snake
- Cape Fox
- Cape gerbil
- Cape grey mongoose
- Cape Grysbok
- Cape gurnard
- Cape May Warbler
- Cape mole-rat
- Cape petrel
- Cape porcupine
- Cape short-eared gerbil
- Cape Vulture
- Capelin
- Capped Langur
- Capybara
- Caracal
- Cardinal tetra
- Caribbean elaenia
- Caribbean red snapper
- Carola's Parotia
- Carolina chickadee
- Carolina flying squirrel
- Carolina parakeet
- Carolina pygmy rattlesnake
- Carolina wren
- Carpenter frog
- Carpet python
- Carrion crow
- Cascabel Rattlesnake
- Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
- Caspian gull
- Caspian Seal
- Caspian shad
- Caspian tern
- Caspian turtle
- Cassin's auklet
- Cassin's finch
- catsnake/indian gamma snake
- Cattle egret
- Cave myotis
- Cave salamander
- Cave swallow
- Cayenne caecilian
- Cayman Islands Dwarf Boa
- Cedar waxwing
- Celebes crested macaque
- Central American adorned terrapin
- Central American agouti
- Central American River Turtle
- Central American Snapping Turtle
- Central American wood turtle
- Central American woolly opossum
- Central Bahamian Rock Iguana
- Central bearded dragon
- Central coachwhip
- Central mudminnow
- Central rock rat
- Central Stoneroller
- Cerulean warbler
- Cetti's warbler
- Ceylon pit viper
- Ceylonese knob-nosed lizard
- Chacma baboon
- Chaco tortoise
- Chacoan Peccary
- Chain pickerel
- Chanchito
- Channel catfish
- Characin
- Chattering lory
- Checkered garter snake
- Checkered madtom
- Cheetah
- Chequered Sengi
- Cherryfin shiner
- Chestnut Tree Mouse
- Chestnut-collared Longspur
- Chestnut-fronted macaw
- Chestnut-sided warbler
- Chicken Snake
- Chicken turtle
- chiffchaff
- Chihuahua Vole
- Chihuahuan raven
- Children's python
- Chilean Cat
- Chilean eagle
- Chilean flamingo
- Chilean hake
- Chilean Jack Mackerel
- Chilipepper rockfish
- Chimney swift
- Chimpanzee
- China rockfish
- Chinaman-leatherjacket
- Chinese alligator
- Chinese Cobra
- Chinese giant salamander
- Chinese green tree viper
- Chinese Moccasin
- Chinese Mud Snake
- Chinese stripe-necked turtle
- Chinese three-striped box turtle
- Chinese Warty Newt
- Chinese Water Dragon
- Chinook salmon
- Chipping sparrow
- Chiricahua Leopard Frog
- Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat
- Chital
- Choctawhatchee Beach Mouse
- Christmas Island frigatebird
- Christmas Shearwater
- Chuck-will's-widow
- Chuckwalla
- Chum salmon
- Cinereous Vulture
- Cinnamon Antechinus
- Cinnamon teal
- Cirl bunting
- Cisco
- Clamorous Reed-warbler
- Clark's nutcracker
- Clarke's Gazelle
- Clay-colored sparrow
- Clay-coloured Thrush
- Cliff chipmunk
- Cliff swallow
- Climbing perch
- Clouded leopard
- Clouded Rock Iguana
- Clouded salamander
- Clown anemonefish
- Coahuilan box turtle
- Coal tit
- Coast Mole
- Coast mountain kingsnake
- Coast Range Newt
- Coastal rosy boa
- Coastal shiner
- Coastal tailed frog
- Coastal taipan
- Coastrange sculpin
- Cobia
- Cockatiel
- Cocoi heron
- Coconut Lorikeet
- Code goby
- Coelacanth
- Coho salmon
- Coldwater darter
- Collared flycatcher
- Collared peccary
- Collared Pika
- Colombian giant toad
- Colombian night monkey
- Colombian Rainbow Boa
- Colombian Red Howler Monkey
- Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
- Colorado pikeminnow
- Colorado river toad
- Commerson's Dolphin
- Common Gull-billed Tern
- Comoro black flying fox
- Congo Rope Squirrel
- Connecticut Warbler
- Conover's Tuco-tuco
- Cook Strait Tuatara
- Cooper's hawk
- Coosa darter
- Coot
- Cope's gray treefrog
- Copper rockfish
- Coppery titi Monkey
- Coquerel's mouse lemur
- Coquerel's Sifaka
- Coqui
- Coral Butterfly
- Coral Hind
- Coral snake
- Corkwing wrasse
- Corn bunting
- Corn snake
- Corsac fox
- Coruro
- Costa's hummingbird
- Cotton Deermouse
- Cotton-headed Tamarin
- Cottonmouth
- Couch's Spadefoot
- Cowcod
- Cownose ray
- Coyote
- Coypu
- Crab-eating fox
- Crab-eating Macaque
- Crab-eating mongoose
- Crab-eating raccoon
- Crabeater Seal
- Crane
- Creek chub
- Crest-tailed Mulgara
- Crested Agouti
- Crested auklet
- Crested caracara
- Crested lark
- Crested Lizard
- Crested myna
- Crested Port Jackson Shark
- Crested rat
- Crevice spiny lizard
- Crevice Tortoise
- Crimson rosella
- Crimson shining parrot
- Crimson snapper
- Crimson-bellied conure
- Crinkle-collared manucode
- Crissal thrasher
- Crocodile Monitor
- Crocodile Newt
- Crossband Rockfish
- Crowned lemur
- Crowned monkey
- Crowned river turtle
- Crowned Shrew
- Crystal darter
- Crystal goby
- Cuban boa
- Cuban brown anole
- Cuban crocodile
- Cuban Solenodon
- Cuban toad
- Cuban treefrog
- cuckoo
- Cuckoo ray
- Culpeo
- Cunningham's skink
- Curacaoan Long-nosed Bat
- Curl-crested manucode
- Curlew sandpiper
- Cururu Toad
- Curve-billed thrasher
- Cusimanse
- Cusk
- Cutlips minnow
- Cutthroat trout
- Cuvier's beaked whale
- Cuvier's gazelle
- Cuvier's Madagascar swift
- Cypress darter
- D'albert's python
- dace
- Dahl's toad-headed turtle
- Daintree River Ringtail Possum
- Dall's porpoise
- Dalmatian pelican
- Dama gazelle
- Damara Mole Rat
- Danube salmon
- Dark Kangaroo Mouse
- Dark-eyed junco
- Dark-spotted anaconda
- Darkblotched rockfish
- Darwin's Fox
- Darwin's S. American amphisbaena
- Daubenton's Myotis
- Dawn Bat
- De Brazza's monkey
- Deepwater redfish
- Deepwater Spiny Dogfish
- Degu
- Del Norte salamander
- Delalande's Sand Frog
- Delalande's West African gecko
- Delta smelt
- Demoiselle crane
- Desert Agama
- Desert Cardinal
- Desert cottontail
- Desert Death Adder
- Desert hamster
- Desert hedgehog
- Desert Horned Viper
- Desert Iguana
- Desert kangaroo rat
- Desert kingsnake
- Desert Monitor
- Desert night lizard
- Desert Pocket Mouse
- Desert pupfish
- Desert Shrew
- Desert spiny lizard
- Desert tortoise
- Desert Warthog
- Desert woodrat
- Desmarest's Hutia
- Devil's Hole Pupfish
- Dhaman
- Dhole
- Diadem Leaf-nosed Bat
- Diademed sand-snake
- Diademed sifaka
- Diademed snake
- Diamond Firetail
- Diamond stingray
- Diamond turbot
- Diamondback terrapin
- Diana monkey
- Dibbler
- Dickcissel
- Diminutive goby
- Dingo
- Diving Petrel
- Djungarian hamster
- Dobson's Shrew Tenrec
- Dog-tooth cat snake
- Dollar sunfish
- Dolly varden
- Domestic cat
- Domestic cattle
- Domestic dog
- Domestic goat
- Domestic goose
- Donaldson Smith's touraco
- Dorcas gazelle
- Doria's tree kangaroo
- Double-crested cormorant
- Dover sole
- Downy woodpecker
- dragonet
- Drill
- Dromedary
- Dugong
- Duiker
- Dumeril's Boa
- Dumeril's monitor
- Dunlin
- Dunn's salamander
- Dunnart
- Dusky antechinus
- Dusky darter
- Dusky flycatcher
- Dusky garfish
- Dusky grouper
- Dusky leaf monkey
- Dusky lory
- Dusky pademelon
- Dusky pygmy rattlesnake
- Dusky rockfish
- Dusky shark
- Dusky smooth-hound
- Dutch Fire Salamander
- Duvaucel's gecko
- Dwarf altai osman
- Dwarf caiman
- Dwarf cassowary
- Dwarf Gerbil
- Dwarf mongoose
- Dwarf seahorse
- Dwarf sturgeon
- Dwarf waterdog
- Eared grebe
- East African black mud turtle
- East African egg-eating snake
- East African serrated mud turtle
- East Atlantic red gurnard
- East Caucasian tur
- East Indian emma lizard
- Eastern Australian salmon
- Eastern barred bandicoot
- Eastern bearded dragon
- Eastern Blacknose Dace
- Eastern bluebird
- Eastern box turtle
- Eastern Casquehead Iguana
- Eastern chipmunk
- Eastern coral snake
- Eastern cottontail
- Eastern Creek Chubsucker
- Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
- Eastern Elephant-shrew
- Eastern Fence Lizard
- Eastern fox snake
- Eastern fox squirrel
- Eastern Garden Lizard
- Eastern glass lizard
- Eastern Gorilla
- Eastern gray kangaroo
- Eastern gray squirrel
- Eastern Harvest Mouse
- Eastern hognose snake
- Eastern imperical eagle
- Eastern indigo snake
- Eastern kingbird
- Eastern lesser bamboo lemur
- Eastern lesser siren
- Eastern long-toed salamander
- Eastern meadowlark
- Eastern Milksnake
- Eastern Mole
- Eastern mud turtle
- Eastern Musk Turtle
- Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
- Eastern Newt
- Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
- Eastern painted turtle
- Eastern phoebe
- Eastern pipistrelle
- Eastern Pygmy Possum
- Eastern quoll
- Eastern Racer
- Eastern ribbon snake
- Eastern rosella
- Eastern Russell's Viper
- Eastern screech-owl
- Eastern small-footed myotis
- Eastern spadefoot toad
- Eastern Spotted skunk
- Eastern tiger snake
- Eastern towhee
- Eastern Tree Hyrax
- Eastern Tur
- Eastern water dragon
- Eastern Whip-poor-will
- Eastern wood pewee
- Eclectus parrot
- Edible dormouse
- Edible frog
- Edough Ribbed Newt
- Edward's fig parrot
- Egg Eater
- Egyptian cobra
- Egyptian flowered snake
- Egyptian Free-tailed Bat
- Egyptian Fruit Bat
- Egyptian goose
- Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard
- Egyptian tortoise
- Egyptian vulture
- eider
- Eland
- Eld's deer
- Electric eel
- Elegant gecko
- Elegant pit viper
- Elegant tern
- Eleonora's falcon
- Elepaio
- Elephant fish
- Elephant Trunk Snake
- Elf owl
- Elliot's short-tailed shrew
- Elongated Robber
- Ember parrotfish
- Emerald Darter
- Emerald Monitor
- Emerald rockcod
- Emerald shiner
- Emerald Toucanet
- Emerald tree-boa
- Emerald-collared Parakeet
- Emerald-eyed treefrog
- Emperor bird of paradise
- Emperor flat lizard
- Emperor goose
- Emperor Penguin
- Emperor snapper
- Emperor tamarin
- Emu
- Equatorial Saki
- Equatorial Spitting Cobra
- Ermine
- Estuary Catfish
- Ethiopian Wolf
- Euphrates jerboa
- Eurasian Badger
- Eurasian Beaver
- Eurasian Bittern
- Eurasian Blackbird
- Eurasian bullfinch
- Eurasian Buzzard
- Eurasian Chaffinch
- Eurasian collared-dove
- Eurasian curlew
- Eurasian dotterel
- Eurasian eagle-owl
- Eurasian golden-oriole
- Eurasian goldfinch
- Eurasian green woodpecker
- Eurasian Hobby
- Eurasian Jay
- Eurasian linnet
- Eurasian Marsh Frog
- Eurasian otter
- Eurasian penduline-tit
- Eurasian Pygmy Shrew
- Eurasian pygmy-owl
- Eurasian red squirrel
- Eurasian reed-warbler
- Eurasian River Warbler
- Eurasian scops-owl
- Eurasian shrew
- Eurasian siskin
- Eurasian skylark
- Eurasian Sparrowhawk
- Eurasian spoonbill
- Eurasian thick-knee
- Eurasian tree sparrow
- Eurasian treecreeper
- Eurasian water shrew
- Eurasian wigeon
- Eurasian woodcock
- Eurasian wryneck
- European anchovy
- European bee-eater
- European bison
- European chub
- European Common Frog
- European Crested Tit
- European eel
- European eyed lizard
- European fire salamander
- European flounder
- European free-tailed bat
- European Glass Lizard
- European golden-plover and greater golden-plover
- European greenfinch
- European ground squirrel
- European hake
- European hare
- European Herring Gull
- European honey buzzard
- European john dory
- European leopard snake
- European Marbled Polecat
- European mink
- European Mole
- European Nightjar
- European oystercatcher
- European pied flycatcher
- European pilchard
- European pine marten
- European plaice
- European polecat
- European pond tortoise
- European rabbit
- European robin
- European Roe Deer
- European Roller
- European seabass
- European Shag
- European smooth snake
- European sprat
- European stork
- European storm petrel
- European tree frog
- European turtle-dove
- European water vole
- Evening bat
- Evening grosbeak
- Eyelash Viper
- Eyptian Mongoose
- Ezo Salamander
- Fallow deer
- False gharial
- False killer whale
- False smooth snake
- False Water Cobra
- Fantail darter
- Fat sand rat
- Fat-tail Gecko
- Fat-tailed dunnart
- Fat-tailed gerbil
- Fat-tailed Pseudantechinus
- Fathead minnow
- Fatlips minnow
- Fawn antechinus
- Feather-tailed Possum
- Feathertail glider
- Fennec fox
- Ferruginous hawk
- Field sparrow
- Field vole
- Fieldfare
- Fiji Island Boa
- Fin whale
- Finescale dace
- Finetooth shark
- Finlayson's squirrel
- Finless porpoise
- Fire-footed rope squirrel
- Firebelly toad
- Fischer's loverbird
- Fish crow
- Fish-eating bat
- Fisher
- Fishing cat
- Five-lined Skink
- Five-lined snapper
- Five-striped sparrow
- Fivebeard rockling
- Fivespot flounder
- Flag rockfish
- Flammulated owl
- Flat bullhead
- Flat-headed cat
- Flathead catfish
- Flathead grey mullet
- Flesh-footed shearwater
- Flier
- Flinders Petrie's gecko
- Florida box turtle
- Florida cotton-mouth
- Florida Deermouse
- Florida kingsnake
- Florida pine snake
- Florida red-bellied turtle