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Your Basal Metabolic Rate is the energy expended by your body to sustain normal functions, like your heartbeat, normal body temperature and respiration. The number of calories your body needs to maintain itself typically peaks around age 21 and falls by about 2 percent per decade, due mostly to a loss of muscle tissue, or "lean muscle mass," as you age.The variables used to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate are Gender, Age, Height and Weight.

As a practical matter your "Resting BMR" is not very useful unless you are in a hospital bed or spend the entire day sitting. Your "Active BMR" includes your Lifestyle and the more active you are the more calories your body will need to burn to meet your energy needs. The problem many people have is they consume more calories than their body requires to support their daily activity and those extra calories are stored as fat.

Calculating your Active often overlooked in developing weight management strategies, but it has some very unique advantages. Since your current weight is one of the variables it helps you understand how many calories you are consuming to weigh what you weigh now. It is net calories that determine how much you weigh. Consuming fewer calories than your body requires to maintain your existing weight or burning more calories through increased activity will cause your body to use stored fat to meet your energy needs. Even if all you can achieve in the beginning is to maintain your existing weight, you are in control and that is the key to long term weight loss.

USING THE BMR CALCULATORS: Simply enter the data into the Tool and it will calculate your BMR for you. Do the best you can to choose your Lifestyle accurately and we recommend you do not include Exercise Activity in your lifestyle unless it is something you're sure you'll do everyday. We have projected your BMR for 20 years so you can see what happens due to the loss of lean muscle mass as you age. Adding Exercise Activity will slow down this process and help you burn more calories today.


Note how the number of calories decline as you age under the Cal column and the numbers are green. The weight column remains the same if you adjust to match your declining BMR as you age. If you don't adjust the number of pounds gained per year are red.







Use day to day activities only to estimate lifestyle. Be as accurate as possible and be realistic. Unless you do heavy manual labor or are a full time Athlete you are unlikely to be "Very Active." Do not include exercise activity in your lifestyle, it varies too much for this calculation. The purpose of this tool to determine your day to day calorie needs.

You must either reduce caloric consumption or increase activity as you age just to maintain your weight. The best solution is to include activities that increase Lean Muscle Mass!


Note how the number of calories decline as you age under the Cal column and the numbers are green. The weight column remains the same if you adjust to match your declining BMR as you age. If you don't adjust the number of pounds gained per year are red.